list of classical problems

6824    Flag CTFLAG 79 26.48
6825    Field Plan FPLAN 99 29.81
6826    Hacking HACKING 126 13.87
6827    Last Minute Construction LMCONSTR 22 17.94
6828    Lineup LINEUP 694 32.21
6829    Polynomial POLYNOM 189 30.12
6830    Soccer Bets SBETS 1596 51.13
6831    Two Ball Game TBGAME 64 28.05
6832    To Score or not to score TOSCORE 43 28.16
6851    Fence CT10R3B 42 27.07
6852    Fish CT16E 180 29.77
6860    Asistent ASISTENT 23 14.29
6885    Wonkas Oompa-Impa Dilemma WONKA1 13 28.24
6893    Power Sums PWSUM 104 56.91
6895    Maximum Edge of Powers of Permutation MEPPERM 10 30.77
6906    Raining Parabolas RPAR 253 21.44
6917    Catch Sheep XYYHHTT 35 24.36
6926    Tree game CT23E 47 8.35
6949    PIN CTOI10D2 114 26.25
6950    A HUGE TOWER CTOI10D3 126 47.40
6951    MP3 Player CTOI10D1 34 27.92
6956    IOI2009 Mecho CTOI09_1 162 18.09
6957    Partial Palindrome PARTPAL 3 8.33
6977    Odd Independent Sets INDEPCNT 13 55.56
6978    Check 1324 PERMPATT 96 23.09
6981    The Least Number RNDORDER 21 31.91
6985    Rearranging Digits ARRANGE2 54 26.02
6986    Summing Slopes SUMSLOPE 60 35.21
6988    Beer Machines STJEPAN 32 18.72
6999    Avoiding SOS Grids AVOIDSOS 65 10.41
7001    Visible Lattice Points VLATTICE 498 28.62
7002    Buildings BUILDING 76 37.21
7010    Police Business ACAB 6 30.36
7015    Party CFPARTY 1025 50.96
7019    Zig-Zag rabbit ZIGZAG 587 36.75
7022    Cow Patterns CPATTERN 115 24.60
7023    Cookies KOLACI 19 36.00
7025    Roads in Berland CT25C 123 32.70
7034    Crashing Robots CROBOTS 161 46.42
7035    The Embarrassed Cryptographer CRYPTON 338 31.61
7050    Necklace Decomposition NECKDEC 44 59.79
7099    Advanced Edit Distance ADVEDIST 402 31.83
7100    Back To The Polygon BACKTPOL 81 33.85
7101    Charly And Nito CANDN 307 36.89
7102    Doing The Word Wrap DTWW 172 38.04
7103    Edit Distance EDDIST 71 18.60
7104    Feanor The Elf FTHEELF 719 39.98
7107    G Key GK 83 43.69
7108    Heptadecimal Numbers HEPNUM 1222 35.56
7109    Indicator of progression INDIPROG 324 23.87
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